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Choosing Pots For Your Garden: How to Find the Right Style and Size

Choosing Pots For Your Garden: How to Find the Right Style and Size

Just a little way up from our main shop, in our outdoor plant section, you will find a whole area dedicated to containers, trugs and more.

Starting off with our classic ceramic pots – we have both smaller pots for balconies and patio flowers, as well as larger pots for fruit trees and shrubs. As traditionally practical pots, our range not only ensures that plants have a suitable growing space, they hold some beautiful designs. Made from frost-proof material, these pots will also withstand those below zero temperatures.

Moving on from the terracotta pots, and you will find beautiful charcoal black containers. The colours of these would suit herbs and succulents particularly, making them a solid feature on any balcony or small space garden.

Just a short walk up from these pots and you’ll find our wooden containers. If you’ve recently moved into a new house and you want to get growing – why not take away our medium-sized readymade beds? We also have lots of types of compost and soil on offer, so you can buy everything that you’ll need to get your vegetables started all in one place. Like all our containers and pots, these wooden raised beds and trugs come in a variety of different sizes – well-built and of a high-quality, these products would look fantastic filled with decorative plants as much as they would more practical edibles.

Finally, if you’re really limited for space, we have a selection of small, decorative pots on display at the very front of our containers and pots display. Perfect for houseplants, cacti and even some windowsill salads, bring your plants inside instead.

With spring now upon us, March and April are the ideal months for starting to get your garden together for the year ahead.

Almondsbury is home to anything from seeds and plants to tools, pots and garden furniture. Pop up, have a bite to eat in our restaurant and get all that you could need for your garden without all the hassle.