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Ask Almondsbury - basket and patio plants

Ask Almondsbury - basket and patio plants

If you’re short on space, or you don’t have a garden at all, hanging baskets and patio pots can still give you that essence of a flourishing garden area.

In fact, by working with more limited space and through using each plants’ potential, you can create some truly stunning features to liven even the greyest of areas.

Hanging baskets also make fantastic additions to gardens, giving you that height to play with – not forgetting patio plants to spruce up those tired or empty-looking corners.

We pride ourselves on our plants section here at Almondsbury. Whether you have a large garden, or you’re looking for a few pots to decorate your city balcony, we have everything you need to set up the ideal spot to unwind.

Located just a short stroll from our main shop, you’ll find a wide range of basket and patio plants ready to add to your garden. 

Sweet peas have a beautiful, alluring scent. By planting your sweet peas into a hanging basket and hanging it by a porch or around your walkways, you can appreciate the scent of this flower throughout the day.

Alyssiums are ideal flowers for butterflies and work wonderfully mixed in with sweet peas and lobelia for some bright hanging baskets.

As well as offering you sweet pea plug plants, at Almondsbury, we have more mature plants that come complete with supports, ready to add to those patio pots. Train the plants up supports, give them lots of height, and you can create a spectacle in the summer months.

Geraniums are an all-time favourite for us gardeners, and it’s easy to see why. Add them to hanging baskets alongside begonias, and bacopas and watch your garden turn into a contrasted sea of reds, pinks, and blues.

Calibrachoa, with its trumpet flowers, would make it a showstopper in any hanging basket. Allowing the flowers to take over the pot, you’ll soon see an explosion of colour and a mass of foliage, making this plant perfect for those areas in need of some excitement.

From trailing plants to tall climbers, we have everything you could need to get your garden looking fantastic this year. Not only do we have the plants to make your garden sing, but we also have all the tools you need to build your hanging baskets and beautifully-designed pots to give those patio plants the pride of place they deserve.